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Edinburgh: Day 18 Aug 21

My throat’s been getting sorer each morning and I’m increasingly feeling like I’m getting The Fringe Cold. Alternatively, it could just be from performing every day, although it’s not like I’m doing an hour-long show. I mean, I am, but I only speak for about 15 minutes of it.

I’ve failed to go to the gym so far this week so, despite my malady, I dragged myself down to Holyrood Park for a run. I only managed a mile before slinking back home and then heading out for a fried breakfast. This weekend is more than making up for my sensible eating so far this month. Top marks to the pub where we ate, Holyrood 9A: they decided they had taken too long without our food and gave it to us on the house. We hadn’t even complained.

En route to our show, I popped into a barbers’ and got my hair and beard trimmed, along with some firmly-shared tips about how I should have been trimming my beard and moustache. Ahem.

The room was full for Three Man Roast. Sport of some manly variety was on the big screen in the pub but the noise generously kept itself outside and we had a cracking show.

Next stop was the Grassmarket to join Tricity Vogue‘s kazoo choir in a rendition of Blue Moon. Because this is the kind of thing that happens on the Fringe. Someone has already put it up on YouTube:

Such a beautiful noise.

A dash to the other end of the Grassmarket meant I was in time for Tom Webb Fixes 2012. I’ve done Tom’s open mic gigs a number of times and he’s an experienced and charismatic compère. This carried over into his one-man show which is a lovely little creation brimming with ideas, and a fair amount of silliness.

After discovering the difficulty in finding a table in any restaurant in Edinburgh city centre on a Saturday night in August, we booked ahead and grabbed a snack before Thom Tuck Goes Straight to DVD. Another lovely show, delivered with theatrical panache. Despite having seen none of the films referred to in the show (not even those released cinematically), I was particularly tickled by one joke about The Little Mermaid. Unfortunately, this lead to another Me Laughing Too Loudly incident.

Baileys cheesecake with blueberries and ice creamThanks to our reservation, we managed to eat properly afterwards. More than properly. I am, for the second night in a row, absolutely stuffed. The Baileys cheesecake probably wasn’t entirely necessary, but…

And then back to the flat, where I won my first game on apterous. Must… switch… off…

What I learnt today: I should be trimming my beard much more lightly.

Recommended show: Tom Webb Fixes 2012 and Thom Tuck Goes Straight to DVD

Obligatory plug: I’m in Three Man Roast (★★★★ –, 2.35pm weekdays at Finnegan’s Wake on Victoria Street – free entry. Also at Tricity Vogue’s Ukulele Cabaret at 9pm on Sunday 21st at The Three Sisters (that’s free entry too).

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