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Success May 06

I’ve been away helping with the local elections in Lewisham, currently in an internet cafe in Rushey Green. Full update in a day or two, but I can’t resist logging in to say we won!

The Lewisham Council LibDem group is now 17, up from 4 in 2002 and 7 last week (three of whom were gained in by-elections). Lee Green ward, where I was helping on polling day, now has three LibDem councillors; Blackheath also has three, including our mayoral candidate Chris Maines, unseating the Labour Deputy Mayor. Chris came a good second in the mayoral election, pushing the Tories into third. Councillor Dan has been joined by two more LibDems in Whitefoot, and Forest Hill was a clean sweep too. Thanks to the Greens taking two wards and the Tories picking up one seat, Labour no longer have a majority on the council – although they do retain the executive mayor, who can continuity to rule Lewisham like a king.

The full results are on the Lewisham Council website.

4 Responses

  1. 1

    As ever, Will’s modesty forbades him from telling you that he worked incredibly hard delivering Focuses and target letters over several weekends since I was selected in Lee Green last year – as well as pounding the streets non-stop the two days before polling day.

    Will also ran an absolutely text-book polling day operation in the ward (largely unaided) which was in no small part responsible for the two gains we made in Lee Green (myself in by 98, and Sven Griesenbeck by 70-odd). I know Paul and Sven are also really grateful.

    Every ward needs a Will 🙂

    thanks again


  2. 2

    Did he not just stand by the folding machine like in orpington?

  3. 3

    No… but that might just have been because Lewisham don’t have one.

    I’m sure one day, we’ll get Will to knock on a door, but before then, he’s very useful delivering and running polling day 🙂

  4. 4
    Richard H 

    And thanks to Will for his remote help with my website!
