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Tag-Archive for "Retro-Bar"

90% isn’t good enough to beat the Cult of Skaro Apr 25

Dan insists I tell you something of last night.

One of my flatmates plus myself and Daniel headed to the notorious Retro Bar music quiz – although we got there a little early, offering time for several bottles of Magners before the quiz commenced. Despite this, and more trendy cider during it, we managed to score 18/20 on the girls-names-themed quiz.

We knew that wouldn’t be enough to win, though. The victorious team – excellently named The Cult of Skaro, and not led by Chris Black – got 19.5/20. They also went on to win the £50 cash prize, although, like me, may have been disappointed not to have picked up the supposed booby prize of a set of Doctor Who top trumps.

By this time, we had moved onto wine (of which Dan drank most) before moving on elsewhere for another drink. I shan’t repeat the self-pitying text message he sent me through his hangover this morning while I was bright and sharp at work (despite my journey in taking three times as long as it should’ve done).

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