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Archive for the Category "Microblogging"

Twitter Updates for 2008-10-17 Oct 17
  • @paulbradshaw Big name political bloggers maybe. Most don’t match that description IME. #
  • Cast my vote for LibDem party president but not allowed to say for whom. Now dodging tourists in Westminster. Friday’s always the worst. #
  • Pleased that London Assembly Member Caroline Pidgeon is taking up my request for transport data streams (ideally an API) with TfL. 🙂 #
  • @rooreynolds I am jealous^11. #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-10-16 Oct 16
  • Passing Michael thingy from Newsnight. You know, the Jeffrey Archer man. Him. #
  • Also just learnt from Wikipedia that the UK ended school BCG vaccinations in 2005. #
  • @wherenext Skulking around a giant 4… #
  • Catching up on 200 items in my twitter feed. Need to remind myself I don’t have to read everything. #
  • @bigbluemeanie Finally remembered: Crick. #
  • @wherenext Got GPS on my N95, plus Google Maps. See photos at #
  • @secretlondon Sounds interesting. Now perusing #
  • @helenroper Not cost-effective, apaprently. 94 vaccinations to prevent 1 case had become 12,000 to prevent each case. #
  • My workplace must be in the bottom 1% for chances of a visit from the Queen. Somewhere slightly above the offices of Republic… #
  • @joswinson At least you should be able to get a full refund. I’m about to post a claim to Virgin… #
  • Just mistook the green traffic light for the green man. Oops. Bad crossing design obviously. Nothing to do with my reading twitter. #
  • Fun evening of Heroes and the Digg Reel (new to me). Strolling home. #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-10-15 Oct 15
  • @bobbyllew Doing it every day you learn the tricks, like where to stand on the platform and which train to get if you want a seat… #
  • @anniemole I was a bit puzzled initially but worked out the two locations were different and just thought it was deliberate 🙂 #
  • @anniemole Thanks. I really have been blogging more since your session! #
  • Using my train journey to catch up Google Reader reading. #
  • Detour via Charing Cross for a bit of hunting on my way in. #
  • Amused to find someone in the US contacting us to get stuff from the Obama campaign… #
  • Just passed a viscount. Not as painful as it sounds. #
  • @PBizzle Minted, maybe… #
  • @anniemole I got one I noticed. Blocked it straight off. #
  • Anyone have any expertise in securing server-to-server communications and able to try answering a couple of my questions? Not my field… #
  • @Openrightsgroup Currently OK for me. No doubt I’ll be triple-booked by the time, social whirlwind that I am. #
  • @snowgoon Damn you! When the moon hits your eye… #
  • Reuniting £50 with its owner, who forgot to take it from the cash machine. #
  • @FakeSarahPalin Open the box! Take the money! #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-10-14 Oct 14
  • Briefly fascinated by the fact that there appears to be one direct train from here to Guildford every day. And today it is cancelled. #
  • At London Bridge before 7. That is not normal. #
  • @wherenext I can haz treasure 🙂 Don’t know why it’s upside down… #
  • @anniemole I can’t believe no-one mentioned Mecca Bingo during that SocialMediaCamp session 🙂 #
  • I reckon I’ve walked 6 or 7 miles this morning. Sausage and bacon rolls as reward. Nom nom nom. #
  • @minifig I can’t believe there’s a Saw V opening next week. Or that I’ll probably go… #
  • @abarge I am. I have several precious things 🙂 #
  • @billt I think your clue was one of the treasures I collected this morning. #
  • @tomtaylor I think I’d go to see that if was in the West End. Or if (in_array($show,$westEnd))… #
  • @mysociety Happy birthday! Wish I could make the bash tonight. #
  • @Paul_Cornell Welcome to Twitter! #
  • @reyes I got up very early this morning 🙂 #
  • Finally got email settings on my phone sorted for those rare occasions I want to send a media file and can’t use Gmail. #
  • Dear Southern, The point of a Next Train To board is to list the next train to a destination, not the train after. Love, The Commuters. #
  • Dear Southern, Sending us running from platform 14 to 9 only to then change from platform 9 to 13 at the last minute is FAIL. The Commuters. #
  • @secretlondon We got there at 6.45 and just got in but could easily not have done… #
  • Blogging about today’s magical mystery tour around central London: #
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