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Archive for the Category "Microblogging"

Twitter Updates for 2008-10-21 Oct 21
  • I continue to be amazed by Southern’s inability to run a consistent train service the moment a cool snap hits. #
  • @flashboy Ah, I’ve had that – plays for a few seconds then stops. #
  • @flashboy One of the gorillas. #
  • I have donated: #
  • Suspect my tooth pain is being caused by the early stages of a wisdom tooth. And I thought I was doing so well without it. #
  • @alexfoster You could be right – I don’t know about there things. It feels toothy but it could be a badly located ulcer. #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-10-20 Oct 20
  • The good thing about walking home through deserted streets is that I can mime along with my iPod without looking like an idiot. #
  • Well, without anyone being able to see me looking like an idiot at least. #
  • @qwghlm The Notes application? #
  • @qwghlm Yep. It should offer you the chance to add it if you go to the admin bit. #
  • Thanks to @po8crg for network security advice. Systems now working well 🙂 #
  • Told off in the street by @iaindale for being online. Twittering this. #
  • @snapesbabe Watch it with the SJ spoilers! #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-10-19 Oct 19
  • I’d swear that’s Dan Gillespie Sells dancing next to me. #
  • BED #
  • Colin Powell is backing Obama. This is good news 🙂 #
  • @minifig A man who appeals to independent voters and who publicly regretted his evidence to the UN. #
  • Suffering from Wii elbow. Solution must be to go to the pub. In Penge. #
  • @katebevan Glad to hear she’s eating a bit. #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-10-18 Oct 18
  • Went to see very enjoyable Noel Coward play with colleague in. Then pub: beer and tequila. Now waiting for night bus on Oxford Street. #
  • @jamesgraham I’m mentioned the Pina Colada song because of it’s similarity to Babooshka. #
  • Pina Colada song on my iPod. On sign of second bus. Hunting for a cab. #
  • West Wing complete seven series box set cheaper than two single season box sets? Bargainous. #
  • I can haz Wii? Yaaaaay. #
  • Going clubbing, despite getting in at nearly 3 last night. This is how I will maintain a facade of youth. #
  • @miketd Don’t know what you were replying to, but if it was “What’s the worst song ever?” you’re 100% right. #
  • @jamesgraham Russ Abbot is in Sarah Jane, yes. #
  • I appear to be walking on broken glass. I am Annie Lennox AICM5UKP. #
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