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The Backbencher Feb 02

I’ve just been alerted to the happy news that I’m in today’s Guardian Backbencher. Last week, she asked for alternatives to the newly-announced EU referendum question (“Should the United Kingdom approve the treaty establishing a constitution for the European Union?”). I obliged…


Thanks to the countless readers who sent in their alternative questions for the referendum on the EU constitution. “Europe – Yes or No?” wasn’t quite what the Backbencher had in mind, though it does have a certain terrifying simplicity. But the winner is Will Howells with this: “Should the United Kingdom reject the treaty establishing a constitution for the European Union?” “That’ll confuse the No campaign,” he explains.

One Response

  1. […]

    I’ve made it into this week’s Guardian Backbencher column, and not for the first time. Meanwhile, today’s paper tells a lovely story (warning: it includes “offse […]