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Kind words about Andrew Pelling MP Oct 16

Another opportunity for me to risk someone pointing out where I’ve managed to do the same on a website I run, but this is too tempting not to blog.

So I was recently browsing the website of Croydon Central MP Andrew Pelling (who is currently suspended from the Tory party). My favourite part was this:

Kind words about Andrew

A week or so later, I’ve popped back, but the section doesn’t appear to have changed. Does no one have a kind word to say about Andrew?

One Response

  1. 1
    Patrick Ratnaraja 

    If you read the letters pae of the Croydon advertiser you can read kind words about Andrew. Its sad that some of the old fashioned Tories who don’t like Him.

    The people of central Croydon would re-elect him as an independent MP.