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Archive for the Category "Genealogy"

Times Digital Archive Apr 11

The Times Digital Archive, covering two hundred years from 1785 to 1985, is currently available free as a National Library Week trial (along with various other resources.)

I’ve played about a bit with it and have already dug up plenty of references – particularly marriage notices – for people in my family tree. I’m sure it would be equally useful for reports of politics and national events. If you’re tempted to try it out, go sooner rather than later: the free trial ends on Saturday.

Red blood Mar 30

On Saturday, I met up with my third cousin for the first time. We compared family trees and she provided me with an interesting revelation: I’m related (by marriage only) to two old Liberal MPs, a baronet, a current cabinet minister and a famous, unreconstructed socialist (who used to be a viscount). Oh, and Margaret Rutherford.

A bit of research on Google and and I can chart the relationship thus:
Family tree showing me and Tony Benn

Genealogy Feb 27

Thanks to a nifty package called phpGedView, I’ve been able to put my up-to-date family history research online. The new system should be easier to update than the many HTML files produced by Brother’s Keeper as I only have to upload an exported GEDCOM file.

My genealogy site is at At present I’m using one of the provided themes. When I have some spare time (so not for a while) I’ll play with the design a bit. The phpGedView system allows me to set up users who can log in and see more detailed data – one of many features to try out in the future.