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Twitter Updates for 2008-08-10 Aug 10
  • Congratulations to Moff for making it three years in a row, winning the Hugo for Blink! (Albeit that I might’ve given it to Human Nature 🙂 #
  • Moral dilemma: reading a book you spot that some of the text has been lifted word for word from another. Should you say anything? To whom? #
  • Thanks for advice. Not going to make a public claim for fear of libel, but we’ll write to the publisher of the alleged culprit’s book. #
  • @artesea Yes, and no sign of it. Both books are quite obscure. @markpack It’s a fairly old book and a US publisher so trying to avoid that. #
  • @minifig I don’t know about that, but cigarettes do smell of raisins. #
  • Enjoyed The Orphanage. The Spanish horror film Steven Moffat would make (minus the jokes). Bit grin though. #
  • @Sourdust Girl in the Fireplace is the only of his Whos that it doesn’t have an obvious similarity too. (And it was grim rather than grin.) #

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