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I know what it takes to be cool Nov 28

If you’ve seen the excellent US animated series Family Guy, you may be familiar with this clip of Stewie Griffin performing a version of Elton John’s Rocket Man:

Naturally I assumed when I first saw this that the writers had come up with this particularly absurd performance. How wrong I was. Back in the dim and distant past (the 1970s), some fule invited (or possible allowed) host William Shatner, notorious “interpreter” of hit songs, to, er, perform this track at the 1978 Science Fiction Film Awards. We are blessed that a recording of this momentous event has survived. Do watch it all the way through to fully appreciate its, um, brilliance.

3 Responses

  1. 1

    Hey – Don’t diss the Shat!

    This is better though:

  2. 2

    My word, that’s fantastic 😀

    And President Bail Santos in the audience too…

  3. 3

    Mmm, that’s the good stuff.