I was planning to watch the second episode of the annoyingly-titled The Amazing Mrs Pritchard this evening to see what all the fuss was about, but now I see that More 4 is starting to show flaccid American drama Commander in Chief tonight at exactly the same time. Having caught an episode before (in the way one catches a cold, which coincidentally I had at the time) I’m not expecting great things, but I’m tempted to take a look at the first episode to see if it started any better. (Oh – they appear to be making a TV movie.)
In a similar vein to Mrs Pritchard, opening this Friday in the US and appealing to those who think that Jon Stewart should become President with Stephen Colbert as his running mate (look at the comment on Daily Show clips on YouTube – these people do exist) is Man of the Year , a film about a non-politician who runs for President. Except rather than being a female supermarket manager he’s a male Daily Show style comedian. No idea when the film will open in the UK – not for a while at least, so you’ll have to settle for Jane Horrocks and Geena Davis for the moment.
Where oh where is the West Wing when you need it?
(Saying that, it’s worth trying to download Aaron Sorkin’s new Studio 60)